Monday, April 22, 2013

S is for Stop Saving

Not to be taken to mean Start Spending… no, no!

What I mean is stop saving all the “good” stuff for company.

Ever notice how some (not all - because I don’t) people have stuff they put out only when company comes over, or when they have house guests.

Like towels…

I use my good towels. My house guests have to cope with drying themselves off with the same great towels I use. Nothing special here for my guests.

The one exception is the little wicker basket on the back of the toilet which has attractive facecloths rolled up expressly for use by company after using the toilet. 

For first time company I share this bit of info when showing them around my house.

I find it strange, and annoying, when I see NO used guest towels after company leaves and I go into my bathroom. I know they’ve been in there - hard not to when they say, “excuse me while I use the bathroom” - egads - where have they wiped their hands! 

Not on MY personal towel I hope - geez, why do I even bother!

Okay… enough about towels.

How about dishes and stemware - do you have “good” company only stuff? Not me!

I use all the good stuff for me - thereby eliminating the need for storage to hold the “good” stuff. 

You realize that means when company comes over the "good" stuff is already at my fingertips - I don't have to go dig it out of storage. Besides... my house isn't big enough to have second sets of anything.

My dishes are beautiful and so is my stemware - and I use them everyday - have done so for as long as I can remember. 

Who are we saving all this “good” stuff for anyway? This always bemuses me - who are we waiting for - ah… The Queen, perhaps?!

Now that I’m in tight with those sweet ladies in General Enquiries, and my letter has been posted, maybe I need to give this all a second thought.

Thinking… thinking… thinking… thinking…

Nope… after more than a second thought (I counted four) I have decided my stuff is already fit for a Queen - and I’m happy using it! (yes, yes, I answer to Queen Chainy too)   

Do you have good stuff just for guests? 

If so, why?  (really… I want to know)

Cheers, Jenny


  1. No, not really ... where to store it, would be the additional question. But in your case, you never know, maybe Her Royal Highness herself will stop by to have a close look at Her portrait made by you ... ;-)

    1. Hi Martin - seems like I'm not the only one with limited storage. Besides - not that I'm a fatalist but I do think about what it would be like for someone to clean out my cupboards when I am gone... so I do my postmortem prep.

      I get this from my mother - she lives in the now, with just enough stuff to enjoy herself - no more, no less. I like that kind of thinking. :)

  2. I use all my good stuff too. I bought a good set of china years ago and for about 12 months kept it "for company", but after I realised I hadn't used it once, I just pulled it out and started using it every day.

    1. Great to hear, Kellie - my kind of gal! I don't know where this sort of thing started - the saving the good stuff for company - but I'm not a fan of it. Good on you for using your good set of china. :)

  3. This really is such good advice for us all, Jenny! As you say, WE are important, and WE should be using the good stuff. Not saving it for when we have visitors! I used to have 'good' stuff in my cupboards until I realized how ridiculous it all was, so now we can have the enjoyment of using it every day. I expect to hear that you have been summoned to meet Her Majesty any day now. After all, we all know how much the Commonwealth means to her!

    1. Diane - thanks for stopping by. :)
      You hit the nail on the head with "WE are important, and WE should be using the good stuff."

      Let's face it, our guest will be happy too because it IS the good stuff - whether they think we hauled it out for them or not doesn't matter - but we definitely are worth the good stuff! :)

  4. The only reason I really use certain stuff for company is the new numbers to accomodate. Great post!

    1. I imagine, as with my Jewish friends that keep kosher, there will be pieces that are really only good for crowds or specific to occasions - I do have stuff like that. I call that holiday stuff and it comes out for those occasions and then is tucked away until the next time.

      Thanks for weighing in with your thoughts, Andrea! :)

  5. I'm with you, I use all of my "good stuff" too. I have 4 kids... there is nothing "good" left in the house. Towels have been dyed with hair cream or used as playful whipping weapons after water use. Mismatched dishes and stemware are the standard.
    I'm find myself copying my parents and thinking "this is why we never have anything nice".

    1. Your comment made me laugh, Dani. I'm one of four, but mom was adamant that we sit at the table learn our manners and eat of her exquisite Austrian china - trust me, it was tough!! I do think there are times when kid-friendly dishes are okay! hahaha :) :)

  6. I'm with you: if you have it, use it.

    I have a friend who got so fed up with guests not using the good hand towels in her powder room that she started keeping paper towels in there instead. Nobody's afraid to use those. *grin*

    1. Hey there, Linda - how goes?! Thanks for stopping by - I always get a chuckle with seeing your avatar.

      I think your friend has the right idea!

      I wonder if the problem is that most of us don't know what the lay of the land is when we go to someone's house - do we use "those" towels, or "these" towels. That's why I explain, to company, what is there for them... and still, some don't get it - geez, I have some "slow" friends - yikes!! haha

      It is one thing I'm known for - I'll ask! If I'm not sure and I am heading into the bathroom, for the first time at someone's house, I'll ask, en route - "is there a specific towel you want me to use" - sometimes, if I know the humour level is high I'll add "...after I shower".

      Ah... the formalities of it all! :) :)

  7. That's right, "fit for a Queen" - Queen Jenny!

    We have dishes that are wicked old. I'm afraid to use them! I also have silverware that is totally tarnished...which goes to show I'm totally lazy. Hmmm, methinks I should clean it, huh?

    1. I rushed right back into my post and capitalized "queen" and yes, I'll even answer to Queen Jenny!

      When I'm with my subjects (okay, family to most) in Austria I favour the title Queen Chainy! hahaha

      Wicked old is good - wicked plastic is not! :P
      Silverware falls somewhat into a different category - I have a lovely set handed down to me from my stepdad - I love it, have been tempted to start using it but it is the one thing that sits in a closet - maybe we should both just haul it out and start using it.

      Did you know that if you use silver items of any kind regularly they do not tarnish - yeah, I was told that by an elderly client of mine. She was also a "use it or lose it" kind of gal - gosh, I do miss her wit. Big sigh...

      Thanks for dropping in - hope all is humming along smoothly in your world. :)

  8. Fun post Jenny. Nope, at our house, what you see is what you get. We are very laid back here. Are you shopping for a telescope?

    1. I had a feeling you'd be one of "us"! haha Laid back is good - works for me too.

      Ah... the telescope - I've been looking, but haven't made my way down to the Telescope Shop that John recommended - maybe on my way home from work this week. Before I buy I'll fire off an email to you and maybe your husband can let me know what he thinks! :) :)

  9. I think the movers broke most of our good stuff many years ago and we can't be bothered to replace it. As for the towels, take you personal ones out when you put the basket in. Problem solved.

    Visiting from AtoZ

    1. I've heard about these movers that break stuff - why is it always the good stuff that gets broken!

      The basket is always there - I get loads of company (Miss Popular am I) and my own personal towel is taken away and I do put up the decoy one - which is often the one my slow-to-catch-on company uses. (company that doesn't get it - family)

      My friends are too clever to use anything but the guest towels - I've drilled it into them! (Sergeant Jenny as I'm also known) New company gets the drill too, and occasionally I get this... "I didn't want to ruin your cute little display so I used the other one" - I roll my eyes and say, "why me, Lord, why me" - hahahaha!

  10. I'm with you, although I do have some things I would never need to use for everyday that I break out for company--warming tray, crystal serving bowls, punch bowl etc. There are just the two of us and we don't need to be fancy that way when there is no one else to share it with us. I sure agree with your philosophy, though!

    1. Hi Ornery's Wife - Welcome to Pearson Report. (I just came from visiting your blog)

      I agree, there are things that don't make it into the daily use category - like special holiday items and the list you mention.

      There's just the one of me (probably a good thing too) and I like using the good stuff. I'm a bit of a minimalist anyway so it's not like I have a house stuffed to the brim with good stuff - my everyday stuff is good - and that's good enough for me! (and my guests)

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. :) :)

  11. Since I rarely have company, I don't feel the need for company stuff.
    Besides I have pretty dishes. And I don't even have enough cupboards for all my kitchen stuff.
    My mom has a set of China and for quite a while we ate off of them. Sometimes we still eat off the dessert plates. My MIL has the same pattern, but hers she keeps in her hutch.

    1. It really is a space thing for me, Ruth, like you I just don't have (or want) more cupboards.
      I think the options for beautiful everyday dishes and stemware is massive and there's no reason people should deprive themselves of the pleasure that comes with eating off the "good" stuff.

      With MIL having the same pattern you've got a built-in replacement store!! :)

  12. Oh Jenny dear, I'll bring out the china and lace on your next visit here, but I usually save it for my boring guests! No, really, I use the good stuff pretty much every day for anyone, including tea with littlest clumsiest visiting kids. No plastic here! xo Carole

    1. You did, the last time I was there - I remarked on the beautiful tea cups you served tea in! Besides I can't imagine you depriving yourself of using your good stuff - you care too much about yourself to not give yourself the best!

      Mom was big on teaching her wee tykes how to seat, eat, and behave at the table - too bad that is a lost art. I know your grandbabes will be treated to the good stuff in your home too. :) :)

  13. I'm kind of the same when it comes to this Jenny, there's shower gels that I save for special occasions because I like them so much and I end up never using them, I definitely can relate haha so stop saving and start using!

    1. Hi Matt - yes, this even goes for the bath and body stuff. I just didn't want to go on and on - so I picked the two most obvious things most folks save for their house guests - towels and china.

      I do have separate soap (still the brand I use) for guest, god forbid one actually shares soap. (gray area alert as there are times with those "special" house guests where sharing takes on a whole different meaning - wink, wink) hahahahaha

      So... stop saving and start using is the right attitude! Thanks for dropping by! :) :)

  14. We have more seasonal stuff or party stuff we bring out. Except my wife likes to bring out the cloth napkins when guests show up.
    I try not to cook tomato based on those nights!

    1. Seasonal and party stuff really get their own category - I call it special stuff. I have my share of that stuff too.

      Cloth napkins rock - I loved them when Miss CP was little as I could toss them in the wash. Now, I love shopping for napkins with a flair - I'm no longer interesting in the ironing bit so I stock up on fun and decorative napkins.

      As for cooking anything red when company comes over - seldom happens... I hate the stress it produces. :)

  15. The only time I have "good stuff" is when we're ready to sell a house. Then the good towels that i bought for the occasion of showing the house come out! After its sold they're every day stuff like everything else!

    1. That's a great way to get new towels to use... list your house! hahaha It sounds like you've done a bit of moving!

      There's definitely an art to "showing" a home that's up for sale. I like the bit about baking so it smell like cookies. :) :)

  16. This reminded me (don't know why, but it did) of when I was in Navy boot camp. We had a set of "inspection" underwear that was NEVER worn and was folded so precisely, that we were sure to get a hearty congratulations on the pristine state of our skivvies during inspections. The only problem was that, when boot camp ended and we wanted to use those shorts and tee shirts, we had a tough time unfolding them as they had remained folded for over three months.
    Talk about chafing.

    1. You can't imagine my mind rolling over the image of you in your starched little chafing knickers... enough said. ! ! ! ! *cheeky grin*

    2. 5' 6", 147 lbs (soaking wet).
      Hubba Hubba

    3. Still sporting my *cheeky grin*

  17. We don't even have storage space for the everyday regular stuff much less the good stuff! No, if I own something, we use it. The only exception is the guest sheets which only fit on the futon in the living room. Other than that, there aren't any guest anything!

    1. Yup - my kinda gal -own it and use it - works for me too!
      I think there will always be exceptions as you mention with the sheets that only fit a specific bed. Same goes for holiday stuff - and probably things that would be best used for large groups. Those are something we can't get away from - but otherwise it seems most that have commented really do use the good stuff for themselves. That makes me smile.

      Thanks for stopping by, Heather. :) :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.