Wherever you are, whatever you celebrate, I wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season...and a Merry Christmas!
As I shopped for last minute groceries, I asked the young cashier if she was excited about Christmas. She replied that she did not celebrate Christmas as she was Muslim.
I smiled and wished her a happy time with her family anyway.
I live in a multi-cultural city - I love it!
I try to embrace all ethnicities I encounter...they fascinates me. I don’t apologize for asking, or for not knowing, what if anything, a person celebrates or believes in. So long as we all try to get along and show a little respect I’m good to go.
As I exited this grocery store (my regular haunt) the two fellows that man the Lotto Booth were closing up for the day. (we often exchange pleasantries)
I smiled and wished them a Merry Christmas...but then I laughed and realized they might not celebrate this holiday, just like the young cashier.
I went over to their counter and asked - they replied they did not; I then revised my greeting for them by wishing them both "Happy Holidays"; they in turn extended the same to me.
Nowhere along this little path, of tossing out my “Merry Christmas” greetings, did I feel I was treading on toes or offending anyone.
Quite the opposite, these people, the cashier and the lottery fellows, have been in Canada a long time (knowledge I’ve gleaned from our chats); I just made the assumption (silly me) that most people celebrate Christmas.
My learning curve just never ends!
I left with my grocery bags and a smile; at the end of the day we really all want the same thing, don’t we? Respect.
By engaging people we meet with honest, respectful dialogue we go much further then by assumptions, prejudgements and stereotyping.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, or if you prefer, Happy Holidays!
Either way, hug your family and be mindful of how precious they are, with or without a tree, they are a reason to celebrate.
Now...here are a few of my favourite Christmas photos:
Last year's tree |
This year's tree |
Next year's tree |
Pucker up...where there's Mistletoe there's a happy puppy! |
Does your tree change from year to year too?
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!