Thursday, April 02, 2015


Welcome to Pearson Report.
I am participating in the 2015 A to Z Challenge.

Yes, I will be adhering to my THEME Calendar.


So, yesterday I touched upon Following

And WOW, thanks to all of you amazing bloggers that stopped in, left awesome comments, and even ventured to follow. (Thanks Pat Hatt, from It's Rhyme Time.)


Today I will talk about Commenting.

Why would anyone make it difficult for me to comment?

Seriously… why?

This post is for everyone other than all of you reading this… because my cool readers know all about making commenting easy. (Please say I've got that right I'm not okay with giving credit where none is due.)

Feel free to Tweet this post to… everyone else, as you see fit. 

Yesterday, while diligently doing my A to Z Ambassador duties, which I take quite seriously I might add, (you never know when I’ll be called upon to run a small middle eastern country, on short notice) I became increasingly flummoxed (isn’t that a great word) by the lack of ease in commenting on many blogs.

This is what I encountered… (Go ahead, enlarge, you know you want to.)

When I went to type in it, it blew up and gave me this

I'm not interested in setting up a Google+ profile.

So then I don't leave a comment, which clearly is the loss of the blogger I just visited, because, damn, I leave really great comments. Right! You know I do!

Then I get this at the next blog I visit… I go ahead and fill in one of my deluxe comments.

Then, I click on the Twitter button, thinking, why not and get this business of Wordpress wanting to use my account.

I’m not interested in giving Wordpress access to my account information.

FINALLY - I get a site that has the stuff most blogs were missing. I was given the option of filling in a few blanks (Name, Email, and Website) after that my comment was accepted.

This was off a site that DID have their settings adjusted so I, a willing commentor, could leave my comment easily. This was from a site that was not a Blogger based site.

(Small note here - the above site wasn't that great because it asked for a password, but I could sign in as a guest, though I don't know if it took as it was comment moderated - really, people, enough with the comment moderation. Delete the comment if it sucks.)

If a blog site doesn’t have that area, which I circled in black, then I have to press one of those obnoxious, annoying, totally frustrating buttons. 

These ones to be exact

These buttons are DISQUS, facebook (gag), TWITTER and Google+

I only belong to Twitter. I don't want to be on the others. 

And… just to emphasis the point (damn I'm good) I was able to see the Wordpress Settings Page from a dear blogging friend, Trish, at Lizard Happy (a Wordpress blogger) and she tells me the settings are totally adjustable to make access easy for commenting. (Told ya!)


It would be a BETTER IDEA to adjust your comment setting to benefit the very thing you crave. (My deluxe comments, say it, I know you want to!)

Really, this is a no brainer.  


Don't you agree? 

This is a BETTER IDEA than risking not getting a comment from me.

Cheers, Jenny

PS - A special shout out to Arlee Bird, from Tossing It Out. He’s the Founder and Creator of the  April Blogging from A to Z Challenge, As well as being a blogging friend, he is a great motivator and an inspiring leader. Thanks Lee - you rock!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mike! I'm glad I'm not alone on this one!

  2. Well I hope my blog is easy to leave comments and happy to help a little if I did.
    Nothing is more infuriating than jumping through hoops to leave a comment.
    WP has a great spam killer and none of those dreadful capture things.
    I set it to get some info simply to avoid anon comments.

    1. Dear Trish, Thanks for your help today. Getting that little behind the scene peek validated my post. I didn't want to rant if indeed it wasn't possible for Wordpress bloggers to easily adjust their settings.

      As only ever having used Blogger's settings I know what I can do, so your help was most appreciated.

      I've always found it easy to leave a comment on your site - to which I say, thanks!

      Like you, I have set my comments to not allow anonymous comments. I figure everyone should own what they say and not hide behind "anon".

      Hugs and Love, Jenny xxoo

  3. Anonymous1:57 am

    Of course, this is a great idea! I will go check my WP settings right away..

    1. Hi Happiness and food (cute name), Welcome to Pearson Report.
      I hope this was helpful and that your settings are such that it's easy for folks to leave you lots and lots of comments. It's fun getting them, so why not make it easy for those willing to leave them. :) :)

  4. I often get trapped in spam folders when commenting on wp blogs.

    1. Hi Ivy… you, trapped in spam… how do you do that without getting caught up in that metal twist thingy… LOL Oh, you mean the spam folder… ahhhh…

      Fun having you and your pretty flowers, which match so perfectly with my new blog wardrobe, over for a visit. :) xxoo

    2. Thanks. I love drawing fun cartoons.

      Happy Blogging.

  5. Yes, I came across several blogs that made commenting hard. The comment moderation makes me feel like the blogger doesn't want my comment!

    Annalisa at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

    1. Point taken - why would anyone want to make commenting hard? Puzzles me, well actually, it causes me no end of lost sleep as I try to figure a way around it. LOL

      Thanks for stopping in Annalisa - always a treat! :) xo

  6. Yep working as one of Mr B's Ambassadors I also find blogs where making a comment can be tricky. With some even finding the A to Z can be tricky as you get sent to a promotional front page where you have to hunt the option to find the A to Z.

    So I dont comment and move onto the next blog. The A to Z in particular needs to be easy access or you are doomed. And I for one find too much self promotion from the second you hit the blog very off putting and I usually run away.

    Good luck travelling to Z and with doing your bit. I am working at appearing nice and so far have got away with it . . . . PHEW.......

    Rob Z Tobor

    1. HAHAHAHA that last bit cracked me up!

      I'm obviously not the only one frustrated with the commenting difficulties.
      As Ambassadors, to the great Mr. B, I want to do him proud and it doesn't help me at all if I'm hindered in this task. (all about self glory) LOL

      Thanks Rob, for taking time away from commenting elsewhere to comment here… I hope the experience was uber easy. :) :)

  7. There isablog I followthat makes it look like I commented...only to get a delivery failure notification the next day (just happened with a blog I visited for a-z yesterday) saying the email was invalid...ugh! Yes, when trying to visit many blogs, and trying to let them know you've been there, it would be nice for it to be simple!

    1. Yeah, what's with those - a delayed rejection… not cool! At all. LOL

      Thanks Andrea, for adding to the chatter about commenting… and thanks for making it easy on your blog. :) xo

  8. Hi Jenny - some blogs are impossible - I came across one today .. and another where it was via G+ and couldn't comment .. and Disqus is the pits!!

    Problem is when they visit you and you're doing your duty in visiting and getting nowhere ...

    Thankfully I know I comply .. cheers and at least you're highlighting for us - these will be so helpful for us to visit anon .. enjoy your duties!! Hilary

    1. I hear your frustration - seems all of us, working with the A to Z Co-Hosts, and wanting to do our bit, are coming across this problem.

      Sometimes I've taken to writing an email (if I can find an email address) and letting the blogger know how much I'd like to comment, but can't.

      Overall though, I still do find most of the blogs are easy to comment on… it's during a Challenge we see the problem as bigger.

      Thanks for stopping in Hilary - I hope all is well on your side of the planet.
      Sending smiles and hugs your way. :) :) xxoo

  9. Pat and the cat followed away haha and we Hate blogs that have stupid comments systems. They think they are so fancy but pfffft, if I have to jump through 50 hoops to comments, I won't be commenting.

    1. Your blog has easy comment access - Phew… I'd be howling at the moon, with my wee pup, if it didn't. So… I've been sleuthing and I see Orlin's the driving force behind those amazing, brilliant rhymes. (working in an A and B word there)

      Cats are soooo talented. My wee dog is willing to agree as she rolls over and exposes your pink underbelly in hopes of a little scritch (as opposed to a full on scratch).

      Great having you on board… in fact… it's a treat, one that's sweet (a mini rhyme for Orlin) :) :)

  10. What a delightful post! Quite humorous, and yes, you do leave brilliant comments!

    1. Thanks, Anne Marie.

      A wee blush comes over her face as she says, "I do, don't I." LOL

      I love commenting, particularly if I'm happy with what I've read, and I know the blogger has put effort in to their post. I know how much joy I get in reading my comments (the ones I get here) and I like paying it forward.

      Thanks for the visit… and the follow. Big smile is happily filling my face. xo

  11. Yes, I so agree with you about making comments simple. Honestly, there are some blogs that it is SO impossible to comment on that I don't even bother to try. And its sad because they write something good and you want to say something but if I have to spend 5 minutes just to be able to comment, it does make it frustrating.


    1. Hi Betty - I totally agree with your comment. Not being able to say how much I enjoyed what I just read, or add my thoughts, or even answer a question posed in a post, is disheartening. (and seriously frustrating)

      During Challenges we want to visit as many blogs as we can, and to not be able to leave a comment is maddening. (I'm crazy enough without the added dose of maddening thrown in)

      And… thanks big bunches, Betty, for you visits and your comments. They both make me happy. :) : xo

  12. You are awesome Jenny and I love your Deluxe comments! You are spot on. I wonder why people make it difficult for us to comment. The Captcha (or the Word Verification) really gets on my nerves and some have twisted alphabets and numbers that I dont get at one go (yeah, my eyes are to be blamed), so I have to refresh the captcha till I get words and alphabets which my grey cells can comprehend. Yesterday, I had to create a livefyre account to comment on a blog! :|
    Co-Host AJ's wHooligan for the A to Z Challenge 2015

    1. I'm blushing… you're too kind, Shilpa! You comments are tops too! I enjoy getting them, so I imagine others feel the same way. Hence my desire to leave more than a "great post" behind. We all love a little validation, and comment love.

      You're brave creating a livefyre account - me, I'm not interested in being that out there. I blog, and I tweet, beyond that I like to keep my cards close to my chest. I'm not interested in having my personal info all over the place. In that regard I'm a tad paranoid… hahahaha Twilight Zone here she comes!

      Thanks Shilpa for dropping in and making me smile. :) xo

  13. I agree... comments made simple, I too don't feel to share any more than I have to... just like "give us your cell number" to better protect me.. BS, isn't that just more you know about me... next will be blood type and my passwords.

    1. Hi Jeremy - Ditto. You and me, we are of one mind. (well, I know for sure I'm only operating with half a cylinder)

      That who "cell number" thing bugs me royally… makes my crown slip a little to the left - which equally bugs me. LOL

      I don't have a blood type, rare specimen that I am!

      Thanks Jeremy for weighing on this uber important topic. :) :)

  14. Hey, Jenny! I'm so glad to discover your blog again thanks to the A to Z! I couldn't agree more about the commenting, I don't understand it at all. The Disqus thing is always a problem for me because for some reason I can't even comment as a guest on those sites. There have been several times I've wanted to leave a comment on a blog I've visited but can't because I don't want to sign up for Disqus or let it have access to my Twitter.

    Anyway great to see you again! Happy April. :)

    1. Hi Julie - welcome back. The A to Z has a way of doing that, doesn't it. :)

      I'm hoping this kind of post gets the buzz going and bloggers (with commenting issues) start realizing they need to make it easier.

      Sadly, I'm preaching to the converted. Everyone here already has the right systems in place for easy commenting. Big sigh… how to go global is the question. :) :)

      Thanks to you I've just gone and edit this post to spell Disqus correctly - I had it as Discus… wouldn't want to get it wrong now! LOL

      Great to see you again too - enjoy the A to Z. I'll be by your blog shortly to say hello. Sending smiles and hugs your way. xo

  15. I followed the advice of the A-Z guidelines and restricted commenters so 'anonymous' types couldn't post. I got 17 views and ONE comment. Today I have adjusted my settings so ANYONE can comment - no moderation, no 'I'm not a robot' letters to type in. I WANT comments!!

    1. Hi Susan… to avoid anonymous commentor make sure you use the "Registered Users" option. This will let anyone with a proper id comment, but will not allow those not willing to identify themselves to comment.

      Comments are fun to get - so I encourage you to make it easy. Plus, you can always Comment Moderate after 7 days. (I have that) Then, comments on older posts will be seen by me first before they appear on my blog.

      Good luck, I'll drop by and check it out. Happy A to Zing… and thanks for stopping in and sharing your thoughts. Cheers, Jenny :) :)

  16. It is most frustrating that Blogger does not have a setting which allows anyone to comment, except anonymous posters. You either have to have "registered users", which includes OpenID or "Anyone" which includes anon, which is when the Name and URL options show up. The problem with anonymous is huge amounts of spam.

    It is also most annoying that it doesn't mention on people with G+ can comment if you turn on G+ comments.

    I have noticed a lot of sites that have reCaptcha on that started off really simple yesterday with just a tick and were more complicated today - I had to pick hamburgers, which was most odd when trying to comment.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Hi Tasha - I don't think "registered users" allows anonymous bloggers. Now, at least that's been my experience. I use that option and never have anonymous bloggers.

      I agree, spam is a problem. Knock on wood - I don't get any. I attribute that to the "registered users" setting. Plus, I have Comment Moderation on for posts older than 7 days. That seems to help me keep track of comments as they come in without going back and "looking" at each post.

      I don't have any experience with Google+ because I don't use it. I don't offer it as an option on my blog either. It's the original follow button, or email. That's it.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts - by the way… I giggled at the hamburger bit, made me hungry - I think I'll make hamburgers for dinner. :) :) xo

  17. Preach it, sister!
    I sincerely hope I'm easy.
    To leave comments, to leave comments!!!

  18. But, between you and me, I am.

  19. Oops. And everyone ELSE who reads these.
    But, I am.

  20. Okay, okay...
    I'm not cheap.
    But, I can be had.

    1. Thanks for upping my comment number count - now I look really popular. How cool is that!

      Move aside North… and Mother Kim. Here comes Cool J and easily had P man. Oh my… this is what happens when the coffee is still dripping.

  21. I didn't turn on Google+ comments on my blogger blogs for the very reason you are pointing out, because it meant people with G+ user ids could not leave a comment. I would have turned them on if my commenters could have picked blogger comments or G+ comments.
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

    1. I just don't get the whole Google+ business. Is it to give Facebook a run for it's billion dollars? (I gag just writing that f word) LOL

      It's easy commenting on your sites - that makes me happy! So, thanks!

      And, thanks for dropping in to share your thoughts. (almost wrote thongs…hahahahaha) My fingers are off doing their own thing today) :) :)

  22. I really hate Disqus. For a while I could not comment on anything disqus. It would take me to their site so I could not even read comments. They would work if I used IE but not Firefox and it took me a while to figure that out. Disqus kept trying to blame my computer settings. Now it is fixed, but still not a fan.

    1. This post of mine is really bring out the beast in us… LOL. I'll second your hate-on for Disqus. What a stupid thing that is. I refuse to use anything that requires me to give out my personal information, it's just not necessary.

      Thanks for stopping by Ruth - I howled with laughter over your B post… too funny. So glad you're doing the Challenge - it wouldn't be the same without you.

      Sending smiles and hugs, Jenny xxoo

    2. Thanks, Jenny. I may have to. give Al some credit. He said I mentioned bitching and whining so I had B and W. Not going to, but then I did. But, shhh, don't tell. Wouldn't want to give him a big head. :)

    3. Who, Al? A big head… have you read his B post… I think it's too late to worry about him getting a big head! LOL (sorry Al, I just had to go with this one)

      Ruth, you need to check out his comment area - Bushman and I have taken over. Small party going on… BYOB

  23. Yeah, I gree with you..!! Great Points..!!

    1. Thanks Pratik, and welcome to Pearson Report!

      I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment! :) It's nice not having to jump through hoops to leave them, that's for sure.

  24. Anonymous1:14 pm

    You gotta lotta comments today!
    Simple is best.

    1. Sure have - guess there's a lot of folks feeling the same frustration!
      Yes, Simple is best. Thanks Susie, for stopping by! :) :)

  25. That is the frustrating part about A to Z. We have people using WordPress, people using Blogger, people using their own separate sites... I've started leaving my name and URL on posts that aren't Blogger-based because I never know how their site is going to link to me!

    1. I think you've hit the mark with your comment. It's not our usual bloggers we're visiting and all sorts of sites suddenly come together for this Challenge that it's a little frustrating when we want to comment and we now have to jump through hoops to do so. Not appealing, that's for sure.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Stephanie - much appreciated. :) :)

  26. Oh my gosh I wanted to leave a couple of comments but it was wordpress and I had no idea how to comment and what to do so I just left. I have no idea how to do this. I don't have twitter and don't want to use facebook so I am at a loss

    1. Hi Birgit - seems I'm not the only one cussing and cursing about comment difficulties. Hopefully the word gets out and there's a way these various blog sites (Wordpress and Blogger seem to be the two biggest) can fix it so commenting can be done without selling a kidney! :) :)

      Thanks for stopping by, Birgit - I enjoy your visits. :) :) xo

  27. It's all about the saturation now-a-days. I just had one like that today. Sorry, no comment from me. I'll take steps but I'm way too fat and lazy to go jumping around!

    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

    1. No hoop jumping for me - that's for sure. If it ain't easy, it ain't getting a comment. And that's that.

      I was over at Al's - I left you a message… it'll be our secret hangout from now on. Al won't mind. He's busy Haiku-ing and what with that extra bone he discovered he might not be around for a while… never can tell with our pal Al. (ohh, a rhyme, where's Pat and Orlin when I could use them)

  28. LOL - yesterday I was able to vent about Google+, and today you touch on another hot button - Disqus!

    Yes, I can't understand why some people feel obligated to make it hard for people to comment. Or maybe they're just trying to filter out old fogeys like me :)

    1. My turn to laugh, Ian. Reading that last line… I relate. I'm not the youngest anymore and feel I'm not keeping up with these new fangled ways of staying in touch. What happened to the good old fashioned rotary phone. (ah, the good old days)

      None the less, this post must have had an impact on some that read, but did not comment as many of the blogs I visited, which were impossible to comment on, have made the necessary adjustments and today I was able to leave those coveted comments of mine. (old but still have a working ego)

      Thanks for stopping by - always a treat to have you visit. :) :)

  29. Sure enough! And I'm getting sick of little dancing robots on blogger "prove you are not a robot" comment forms.

    1. Hi Barbara, well said!

      I'm sick of the robot/verification nonsense. I have Comment Moderation set for all post over 7 days. This just means that on older post I get to see the comments first so I know a comment has actually been made on an older post.

      I don't allow anonymous comment - figure people should own their thoughts and words, and not hide behind anon.

      I have noticed, on some of those "prove you are not a robot" sites, that if I Preview my comment, then press Publish it bypasses the robot stuff. At least it's worked whenever I've done it, which is all the time now.

      Thing I can't understand is why make it so difficult for well intentioned folks to comment, particularly during a Challenge. Seems pointless.

      Thanks for dropping in and leaving your thoughts. Much appreciated. :) xo

  30. I think I'm going to be learning a lot from you during this challenge. So far, I'm 2 for 2 of doing the right thing. Pshew.

    1. Hey Su-sieee! (I have to count my e's) LOL

      Well, thanks! I'm always trying to find ways to make this blogging experience the best for everyone. As I said to Barbara, above you, it shouldn't be so difficult to leave a comment.

      Heck, you would think folks would bend over backwards to be on the receiving end of the line of an uplifting, supportive comment. Guess not!

      I've always known my readers have their acts together - good on you with the 2 for 2. :) :)

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Cheers, Jenny :) xo

  31. Commenting is the best part of blogging. It let's the blogger know they've been read and it let's the reader know they've connected in some way with the writer. You are thee best commenter!! And I love getting your comments. I'm awful at replying to each one though. Shame on me! I do leave the moderator on because I've had some real nasty comments left and I get the most creative spammers. I just feel more comfortable using it. Hugs my friend! XX

    1. This is so true, Barb. I know there are times, lots of them, where I'm only able to read and then need to get on with life (darn thing does get in the way) which means I don't always have time to leave a comment.

      Thing is I like leaving more than a "great post" comment, as I find those make me wonder if the person even read it. But then, leaving nothing, might be worse.

      I might have to come up with something catchy that lets bloggers know I've read it, but can only say a quick hello… as time is pressing.

      Thanks for your lovely comments - I always know you've invested time. For that I am truly grateful. With hugs, Jenny xxoo

  32. I only get tripped up on sites that are Facebook only, since I'm not on Facebook. I couldn't even comment on my own guest post last week at Curiosity Quills because it's set up this way.
    Mine is just the simple Blogger comment box.

    1. Good to know I'm not alone with the whole love affair with Facebook. Not a fan, at all. I've come across so many sites that are quite demanding about signing in with it… not me. And thereby no comment either.

      Your comment section is great… user friendly for sure. :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.