Monday, January 09, 2012

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it’s off to school I go…

Ahh...the call of higher education, makes you just wonder, doesn’t it...what more could Jenny possible need to learn!
A course in modesty, perhaps! 
Well, modesty aside, I do think learning throughout one’s life is just part of the journey.
Whether at an institution or the school of hard knocks - one should never stop learning.
To stop, is to drop! (Dead! - might as well be, if you choose to stop learning.)
So...what am I going to school for...since we’ve ruled out that crash course in modesty? 

I am taking a course in Home Renovation Planning!
This is what the course says I will learn:

It will take three evening, each three hours long, and then look out, I’ll be swinging my hammer like nobody’s business! 
My property is undergoing rezoning and with the value of property being insane I am going to maximize some revenue potential!
Any added advantage I’ll have after taking this course can only be seen as a good thing. I’ll be better prepared when the time comes for me to gather my crew and start the tear down and rebuild process.
Having grown up in a family that loved taking things apart and putting them back together, as well as building something new, from the ground up, I’m no stranger to a skill saw and I’m really enjoying my new drill set!
So off I go - back to school to learn something new! 
Think I can do it? 
Well, it’s not really a question is it, modesty aside, I know I’ll do just fine (I’d use the word ‘great’ if I was willing to pull out all the stops and not hold back). But hey, someone once said, “show a little restraint there don’t want to scare off all the boys, now do you?”
Are you planning on adding a course or two to broaden your outlook on life? Or is this the year for taking a breather?


  1. Hi Jenny, I'm not taking a course right now but we are renovating the basement! yay/ugh! We've, mostly my hubby, just ripped a third of it apart this weekend. Fun but hard work!

    Your course sounds great! I'm envious. My 5 day art course will take place next November with Steven Amoine. Woo hoo!

    Make me proud girl!

  2. I love using tools too and I think it's wonderful that you're taking that type of course. Once upon a time, I actually helped my husband and a few of his friends build an entire house (for someone else.) I learned so much and truly enjoyed the experience.

    I enjoyed college and would like to go back and take some art classes once my son starts school. Creativity is something I never made time for in my younger days but I'd like to now.

    I hope you enjoy your class. Life truly is a never ending education. I don't think you need a modesty course. I like you the way you are! :)

  3. I'm the last person you want working on anything in your house! Except maybe your computer. But life is about growing and learning.

  4. This is actually so cool Jenny, good luck with the whole thing. Courses are good as they further our knowledge and I'd assume that you'd need further knowledge to pull the kind of thing you want to do around your house. Good luck with it all! :D

  5. WOW! Good for you. I'm all for learning as a lifelong quest, but that sure doesn't sound like the sort of course I'd ace. Good luck with it. I reckon we'll be seeing you on HGTV before ya know it.

  6. I hope you have fun in the course. :)

  7. Better get yourself a tool belt, girl.

  8. i hope you enjoy the course and learn a few new things I agree we generally spend our life learning it is part of being human and alive...

  9. Room by room, my home is being redone.
    We always end up overbudget because our house is old and won't cooperate.
    I do love tearing out the slats and plaster though.

  10. the course sounds awesome! Congrats on getting the wheels in motion for your project! :D

  11. That is always a good thing to do :) Education is the one thing that can't be taken away from you!

  12. I completely agree about life-long learning. However, I've also learned, in 19 years of marriage, and the first 4 of them with our house "in progress", that the following math equations are pretty darn accurate:

    "Rewiring the house will take AT MOST a week" (FYI, a 1925 house where you had to choose your kitchen appliance well, or use the extension cord to the "den". As in, do I want toast, or the fridge to keep things cold.) 1 week = summer of '93.

    "I can have that bathroom put in over the weekend." I washed my face and brushed my teeth in the kitchen for A YEAR. 1 weekend = 1 year.

    Ok, starting to get a bit twitchy here. Perhaps this topic is better suited to a blog post rather than cluttering up your comments with someone else's story...

    Tina @ Life is Good

  13. P.S Totally meant to say "good luck" on your class and the coming renovation.

    Tina @ Life is Good

  14. Yes I think you will :)

  15. You sound like you're really going to enjoy this. Isn't it great when things are useful AND fun :-)

  16. Hi Jenny .. sounds a good investment - knowing the right way to do things is one essential to checking out the con-men and cheapskates.

    Sounds fun though .. good luck is all I can say .. different to blogging and that will inspires ..

    Cheers Hilary

  17. The only improvements I plan to make to my house is to brighten the beige walls with my fabulous art (we could do that modesty course together perhaps)

    Week two of an online art workshop is proving informativeand who knows what other adventures 2012 will bring.

    I believe I have to visit my A to Z in April, that will be a learning experience in itself

  18. Hi Jenny. I agree, we spend most of our lives learning in one way or another. Otherwise we would all just stagnate! I admire your chutzpah! (I couldn't think of a word to put there, but I was looking for the opposite word of modesty!! LOL!!). Hey, this does sound like a wonderful course, and I'm sure it will come in so handy around your home. You'll be able to then write a little book, using all the tips that you have learnt! Oh, and yes, of course I think you can do it. I have every faith in you my friend! Hugs.

  19. Of course you can do it! And I'm sure you'll have fun doing it.

    I'd love to take a class in tiling. I've done some tile repair, but I really like to do a mosaic.

  20. ooh, sounds lovely, you know I love and enoy renovating things around the house.
    I've enhanced the value of my house when I moved here, but sadly it's crises here and nobody is buying anything, and you can sell only cheap houses, or sometimes not even those.

  21. Wow. I wish I could take something fun like that. My year is going to be taken up learning "Supervisory Skills Development" and "Dealing with gender issues in the workplace" and other scintillating topics like that. Wheee....

  22. Carole - Basement renos are so much fun! With gin and three olives any reno is doable! Good luck I’ll be drinking to you and hubby!

    I’m envious of you too...a five day art course, right in your backyard, or close anyway, with Steven Amoine - lucky, lucky you!
    Jenn June - Do it Jenn, go back, when your little one is bigger, and let those creative juices flow!
    Alex J Cavanaugh - Well, right now with my email problem, I’d love to have you do a little tweaking over at my place!
    YeamieWaffle - I can always count on you and your youthful exuberance to cheer me on! Thanks for the great energy you always leave here!
    Susan Flett Swiderski - there’s a thought - me wielding my hammer for all the world to see, on HGTV, hmmm, you’ve got me thinking!
    Golden Eagle - Thanks! I hope to!
    Melissa Ann Goodwin - I have one...said rather sheepishly!

  23. Jo-Anne Rambling - Life is all about the learning, you’ve got that right, Jo-Anne!
    Ruth - I’m in the same boat; the whole thing will come down and three will go up!
    Eric Emard - Hey there stranger! You know me always in a rush to make yesterday’s dream tomorrow’s reality!
    BragonDorn - So true, so true. Only problem for me, BragonDorn, is that once it’s in my head there’s no guarantee I’ll remember where I put it! Ahh...the curse of getting older!
    Tina (x2) - I love long comments, makes me feel like I’m not all alone out here, writing my novel in other peoples comment sections.
    Claudia - I think I will too! :)
    Sarah Pearson - Useful and fun...two of my favourite words.

  24. Hilary Melton-Butcher - Hi does help to know how to spot the bad apples, that’s for sure. I’ll blog all about it, in between my A to Z duties.
    Mynx - You, my dear friend, will rock this A to Z, I can hardly wait to read you posts.
    Now, don’t forget to grab the Badge and add it to you site. Hugs!
    Thisisme - Hi dear lady! I love seeing your smiling face in my comment section! Yes, chutzpah sums me up good! Thanks for having faith in me...makes me want to move mountains. Hugs to you too!
    Connie Keller - Tiling would be so much fun - and my kitchen is screaming for new tiles. However, since I’m tearing the whole thing down there is no point in doing the tiles now.
    Mosaic’s are beautiful to look at!
    DEZMOND - It seems housing prices are a problem in many parts of this little orb - mine unfortunately isn’t one of them. Gosh, I can hardly stand thinking about how costly it has become to live here! Hmm, it’s got me thinking...maybe there’s room in a newly renovated home in your vicinity (wink, wink)!
    darev2005 - You are too busy learning how to use a stain stick, remember! And then there’s all that Sergeant stuff - no, fun for you! (smiles and grins all over the place!)
    becca - I will!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.