Sunday, February 01, 2015


Visit Write Brain Challenge to check out my latest free write piece, and the photo that inspired it. Thanks, Jenny.


Remember that goal of mine…

TO SET 15 MINUTES ASIDE for my writing.


31 posts in January

Total word count - 17,905

And, the best part is I’M LOVING IT! 

Now, I know you’re all busy, so this next bit isn’t to guilt anybody out for not reading, or commenting. 

It’s not necessary to do either - we should only ever read and comment as it suits us, right?! 

THAT SAID… drum roll please.

YES, I thought it was time for an award.

This SPECIAL AWARD goes out to…


for taking the time to read, and comment, on virtually every post over at Write Brain Challenge.

Their words of encouragement have helped motivate and inspire me to keep going, because some days it does get tough.

To all of you that have popped over to Write Brain Challenge for a read - a sincere and heartfelt thanks. I appreciate the effort. I know it takes time - something many of us have in limited quantity. 


And, how are your goals coming along?

Cheers, Jenny


  1. Hope you keep having fun. Woohoo!

    1. Thanks, Ms Happy - seeing you here adds to the fun! :)

  2. Wow, cheers to 31 posts! We can barely push out 4 a month. And 18,000 words? As we told Bushman before, that's a third of a novel. That's insane (in the most fantastic way possible).

    And I can indeed confirm that not only are Barb and Bushman awesome, but they're also gods of commenting.

    1. Yeah - 31, wow - even I was amazed - hahahaha - and I wrote them!

      As to Barb and Bushman they've taken commenting to new heights over at Write Brain Challenge, truly awesome is all I can say! Gods indeed! Now I've found some gods to worship! hahahaha

  3. Thank you for the award. I understand the dedication it takes to do something like what you are doing. Believe me the commenting part is the easy side of things!
    Keep up the good work and when you decide to make a book out of all them I will buy the first copy!

    1. As a commentor myself, that leaves more that a quick "great post", I think it's important that folks like you and Barb get acknowledged for an effort that rivals the actual post!

      I'm curious at the word count you and Barb put in - oohhhh, I might have to check that out! A novel within a novel! hahahaha

  4. Hi Karen, it's all about pace and timing I find.

    When I finally committed to setting that precious 15 minutes solely for my free writing I was amazed at how quickly I fell into a routine of sorts - still working on finding a quiet 15 in the morning as sometimes I am typing at 8pm. But, I'm doing it. You will too! :) :)

  5. That's an impressive amount of writing for blogging every day.

    1. Thank you! I was surprised how fast the numbers add up!

  6. Congrats to the commentators and to you for enjoying your accomplishment!

    1. Now I need to create an award for all the amazing commentors over here at Pearson Report! To which I thank you, Birgit, for your regular visits and comments! They mean a lot.

      With smiles, Jenny

  7. THANK YOU...THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Wow, Jenny, I am very much appreciative of the award and in good company with Bushman too. Your challenge is so engrossing and fun. Not knowing what will be there from day to day and paragraph to paragraph even! Your imagination is simply amazing. Please don't give up.

    Thanks also to my two favorite dude's @ A Beer For The Shower for such a nice comment about me. I'll send their check out later! haha.

    1. You are so WELCOME! Hugs to you Barb.

      I know what I'm writing for letter B in the challenge, hahahaha…

      Aren't those Beer Boys the best!

  8. You did good. My current goal is surviving my prep day next week, I don't have many goals in life.

    1. I did, I did! LOL
      You've got a serious goal, Ruth, health before all else. I've been thinking about you and sending cyber squishy hugs. Keep me in the loop.

  9. That's awesome! What a fantastic award.
    Keep up with the great goal work.

    1. Hi, J. Lenni, Thanks for dropping in to check out Pearson Report.

      I used to create lots of awards way back. As Dezzy mentioned, in his comment after yours, it seems awards went by the wayside and now I've seen a few popping up here and there.

      Well, that was all I needed to get my juices flowing to create one of my own. Damn little competitive beast I am… LOL hahahaha

      Thanks for the words of encouragement re my goal - one day at a time!

  10. I thought those blogging award died over the years :) since everybody mostly hated them :) but it seems they're having a revival. I deleted my page with those awards after I counted about a hundred of them :)

    1. I thought they did too. As I said to JLD, in my reply above, I've noticed a revival (as you call it) and thought, okay, time to make one of my own.

      And, only "a hundred", last time I looked at your award page you were well over that - ahhhh, modesty. You're too good! (giggle)

  11. Aw, man. If I knew there was going to be a naked statue involved... ;)

    Congrats to the winners! And good for you for sticking with your writing goals. :)

    1. See… it's all about the naked dudes! Well, Bushman, might have appreciated a mermaid than! But, I figured the power and imposing nature of such a mythical god would please my recipients.

      Thanks for dropping in - and commenting. (giggle) Time for a Pearson Report Award I see!

  12. Goals? Well I am about a week behind schedule of one of WIP and my editor is wanting to know where it is. But otherwise I am doing fine.

    1. Hi Timothy - thanks for the visit!

      A week behind seems not that bad. I'm often weekS behind with every aspect of my life. LOL Which I hope carries over to my date with death! hahahaha

      I'm glad to read you're "doing fine" regardless of WIP and editor pressures. :)

  13. Hopefully, there's cash associated with that award. Because it looks like Titan would appreciate someone buying him a pair of britches.

    1. What, one of my awesomely excellent awards isn't enough! hmmm….
      Cheeky still I see! :P :P :P There, take that tongue lashing.

      I bet you'd have liked a mermaid statue...

    2. Talk about tongue lashing. Hubba, hubba.

  14. Anonymous2:49 pm

    Good for you, Jenny! That's an awesome feat. I did the A-Z Challenge last year and it just about killed my blogging spirit. Good to know you came through inspired!

    Be well,

    1. Hey, dear Elsie, so sweet of you to drop in! How are you? I hope life is treating you well.

      I didn't do the A to Z last year as I was knee deep in the trenches with my home renovations. I was totally tickled when Lee asked if I'd be interested in helping his team - what a lovely honour. I couldn't say no.

      I have a plan, hopefully it will all work out - it's called K.I.S.S. I'll kiss my way through it! hahahahahaha

      Hugs and Smiles to you. :) xxoo


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