Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy B i r t h d a y dear Meeeeee
Happy Birthday to Me
Now that we have the singing out of the way...let’s party!
Well, I'm actually finding the fifteen minutes, and a little extra. Now, that's something I hadn't expected.
I've been working on something in that extra time so today I’ll throw a teaser your way...
The stairs curled down the side of the cavern. It was musty and dank, the air heavy with dragons breath.
Only seven, Elly trudged slowly downward until her toes dipped in water. That was the only way she knew she had reached the bottom of the stone steps. There she needed to wait.
Soon the room was alight with fire, but only temporarily, just enough time for Elly to see the stone steps which lead across the water to the cavern floor.
Over there stood a little table with two chairs. Once across, Elly took her seat and waited.
Okay… as a party guest let’s play a little game...
I'd love to know what your imagination sees when reading these few lines.
In the comment area tell me what you see happening next…
Cheers, Jenny
Thanks for stopping by… always glad to share a piece of cake with friends.