Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The raising of a May Tree

A while back I was over in Germany and happened to be there for the May 1st celebration of raising a May Tree.

Here are a few photos:

A lot of thinking goes into this event...
as does a lot of drinking...
and more drinking...
more thinking and a little more drinking...
yes, transportation is close by...
because I think this was where the tree ended up!

For those of you in parts of the world that celebrate this May 1st activity I send you my heartiest wishes for a day full of fun and enjoyment. 

I enjoyed myself when I last had the chance to partake... wished I was there again!

What May 1st celebrations do you enjoy?

Have you danced around a Maypole?

Cheers, Jenny


  1. I've never heard of a May Tree before let alone raising one. How interesting and cool! What do I do for May Day?... Work, clean, cook - the norm. I'd rather be watching a tree being raised. That's for sure!

    1. I was quite taken with it too, Dani. I have a funny video I took at the time while watching these fellows - I think a couple of girls could have had it up in a quarter of the time these boys took - more beer drinking and talking than heaving!! haha

      I know the feeling about the "work, clean, cook" part. :)

  2. I've danced around a "maypole" in Sweden, though it was at midsummer. Maybe it's still too chilly in May to dance outside. *grin*

    1. I think there are lots of different variations to "maypole" activities. I've not danced around one - it's on my long to-do list. (hahaha, after riding a camel) ;) :)

  3. This is a learning experience for me...never heard of a May tree. How fun. Does it stay up all year I wonder? No special activities here...just the usual day to day stuff. It did just dawned on me though that the painting I posted today is green...the May very unconsciously I have celebrated May 1. :)

    1. First off - I am intrigued with your avatar photo - it's truly excellent.

      The May tree only stays up for the May day week - not sure what all goes on with it, but I know it is up the night before and stays up for a few days.

      I am a fan of the birthstone of May - Emeralds are my favourite gemstone. Plus green is my favourite colour. :)

      Thanks for stopping by, Lisa - you add a smile to my face when I see a comment from you. :)

  4. In New Zealand it's not a holiday. Last year I was in Moscow and marched in the May Day parade - long story, but we crossed a security gate by mistake and they wouldn't let us out.


    1. Hi Rhonda - oh... a May Day parade, that must have been cool - particularly the part about messing with the KGB (hehehehe)... I'd love to hear the story; have you blogged about it? If so, link me to it, please. :) :)

      Thanks for your wonderful comments and ongoing support of Pearson Report - your visits are much appreciated.

  5. We get a holiday on the first of May so we did nothing yesterday Jenny but this looks incredible, the raising of the tree is such a cool concept as well, love the fact there was lots of drinking too, that's just awesome.

    1. I have the funniest video that goes with this post - but it was just too much for me to deal with... given that I'm on limited computer time. But, sometime in the future I'll post it - you'll laugh at how these guys "worked" on getting this pole up.

      Thanks for stopping in, Matt, hugs to you. :)

  6. We have a holiday here in South Africa (Workers' day) and let's face it, any excuse for a day off work is good!

    The only time I ever danced around a maypole was at my wedding. We made our own and had the guests dance on the lawn. Considering we're in South Africa where maypoles are unheard of, it was interesting ... to say the least!

    1. Ah... the day off work ploy! *giggle* Works for me, however, since I'm self-employed and I pay myself I don't really get the perks! :) :)

      A maypole at your wedding?? Now that sounds interesting - did you post about it? If so, I'd love a link to it as this intrigues me.

      Thanks for stopping by, Romy - much appreciated. :)

  7. I'm cheating on this comment again. LOL - I just posted this comment at L. G.'s:

    When I lived in Germany we celebrated May Day with the locals since we lived off base. They told us to bring everything inside or it may end up at the May Pole. We brought in our Welcome mat, flower pots etc., but we neglected to drag in the BBQ. They placed it on top of the neighbor's garage. We found it the next morning. Hilarious!

    1. I'll LOL with you - been known to do the same, so you go right ahead, dear Elsie - whatever makes like easy.

      I've not heard of the "taking" of things and transplanting them to odd locations - but I'd be all over that in a minute - lucky you for taking in most of the stuff. hahahaha

      Thanks, Elsie, for dropping by - you add a smile to my day. Hugs :) :)

  8. I can honestly say I have never ever danced around a May Pole or even wanted

    1. Hey BlackLOG - in light of all the amazing places you and Mrs. B have been I'm shocked that this wasn't already a "done" on your 'been there done that' list. Ahhh... I guess some things are not all they're cracked up to be.

      Thanks for stopping by - a real treat seeing you here. :) :)

  9. I don't know why, but May gives me a psychological boost. Thank goodness winter is over!

    1. I was a little worried, Al, that you were going to say that may poles give you a psychological boost... but, I'm relieved it's just May... and not the pole at work here.

      Yes, thank goodness winter is over! :) :) As always... love seeing you here!

  10. This sounds like a fun way to spend may first.

    1. Hi Jessica - Welcome to Pearson Report - thank you for Following! :) :)

      It was indeed something different - not a typical activity in Canada - I'm glad I had the chance to enjoy the energy and excitement that accompanied this event.

      Thanks for your visit.

  11. I was in the area of Cologne for that particular May Day event - what part were you in? I've not danced around one... yet! :)

    Thanks for stopping by, Karen - always delighted when you drop in. :)


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