Monday, November 19, 2012

Just a few more days…

The package arrived, in one piece. 

Big sigh.

Big smile.

Tension mounted, he could not decide.

Open it and look.

Or wait.

It would be just a few more days.

He sent an email...confirming - all was good, all was really good.

Heck...he was excited, okay, really excited.

Reading his note, her grin reached ear to ear.

Her end was done, he had the package now.

Big sigh.

Big smile.

Tension mounted because she knew he couldn’t decide.

She wanted feedback.

No pressure.

She would wait.

It would be just a few more days.

Another email...bigger grin.

Her cheeks hurt.

He had peeked.

She knew it would be hard not to.

Now they both had to wait.

It would be just a few more days.

Together they would wait.

A few more days, just a few more days.


  1. This is so exciting Jenny, it's so warming to read how happy your little project is making you, it definitely must have been hard to resist checking out that package haha, I love it!

    1. Yes...I imagine the poor chap was quite in a tizzy wondering what to do!
      But I think he did the right thing. ;)

  2. Hi Jenny - "Together they would wait" .. such the right thing to do! The waiting and eager anticipation just adds to the fun mix ...

    Loved the way you wrote this .. I can't wait - don't know about anyone else!

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary...the wait won't be long, just until Friday morning, your time. I will be sharing the package's contents that day...and a little of the story.

      I thought I'd have you all share in my "eager anticipation", as you put it, and wait it out with me!

      Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday. :)

  3. I'm intrigued, Jenny!! what's in the package?..
    Thank you for your beautiful comment. you always make me smile :)

    1. As I said to Hilary, above you, I'm so tickled to have company while I wait for Friday...that's the day of the reveal! keep an eye open for it!

      You are very welcome for the comment...I always smile when I see you little ladies! :)

  4. I got enthusiastic just reading this. Now I want to rip open the package. :)

    1. has been opened, thankfully not ripped the contents are fragile.
      I thought I'd post this little teaser to have some company as I wait (not a strong suit of mine) until Friday for the big reveal.

      Stay tuned! :)

  5. Anonymous8:53 am

    You are such a tease, Jenny...but in a kind and funny way =PPP

    1. Ah..the kind and funny ways of Miss Jenny...mwaahhhhahahahaha...if only they knew what lurked around the corner!

      I figure we should all be in suspense together...for a few more days! :)

    2. Anonymous5:48 am

      Drats. Fine. I will wait... *sigh*

    3. Whew...was worried you'd leave me here all alone sitting on this egg - when it hatches I'm going to need good buddies near by! :)

      Thanks for hanging in...just one more sleep! :P

  6. Oh, you always get me going. Now I'm on pins and needles like everybody else! I am so glad that I didn't have to wait to open mine. That would have driven me nuts! (grin)

    1. You got off lucky! In fact, this has some special strings attached, hence the delay in the reveal!

      Tune in Friday! :)

  7. But... I wanna know NOW.
    You are just being unfair. ;)

    1. Aren't I though...blame my dark side!

      Aw, Friday will be here before we know it...we must band together and...just wait, it's only a few more days! :)

  8. being as naughty as I am.... I had other meanings of package while reading this :P I know I'm hopeless.....

    1. You hopeless thing!....nothing wrong with reading between the lines, or around the lines, or heck, making up your own lines even! :P :P

      As I said to's only one more sleep before the package content will be revealed! This is so much better that waiting for old Saint Nick! Right?! :)

    2. Old Saint Nick never brings me anything, so I'm always up for any other packages from generous donors :)

    3. Noted...and filed away for future use! :)

  9. My curiosity has peeked also..will definitely be back tomorrow :) I've enjoyed re-visiting what you've been upto lately and loving that you have jumped into sharing your art...your sketches are beautifully done. Thankyou for your visits and comments to my blog..I left a wee reply for the question you asked over there..rather than overload your comment section :) Big hugs to you x

    1. Hi Jenny - thanks for the revisit. I have always enjoyed drawing, but life, parenting, work and a host of other "important" things got in the way and only in September did I revisit my sketching and drawing passion.

      Seems ART missed me too and willingly came out to play. I've been having fun ever since...there is something about letting mind and hand loose and being delighted by what their joint effort can produce.

      Of course, key is the inspiration that motivates mind and hand...without that there is no ART. For this "project" in the package...I had the most amazing motivation.

      I hope you drop by and take a look on Friday (Thursday 10pm PST is the actual scheduled posting time)

      Hugs, Jenny

  10. i would love to see what's in that package!

    1. "Just a few more days" has turned into "just a few more hours"! At 10pm PST I will be posting the package content story.

      I hope you'll be back to have a read and take a look.
      Thanks for stopping by Lynn! :)


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