Monday, June 10, 2024

Months Later...

 Yes, I did fall off the edge of this flat planet. And you thought it was round, really... surprise. 

On a serious note, I could not continue with the theme I had selected for the A-Z Challenge - my bad, what was I thinking, oh, that's right, I wasn't. Too busy with "flat planet" stuff.

Okay, enough trying to make light of it all, but fact was, I could not continue, and fact is, it broke me.

Sorry... that's all I got.

I hope you're all well, and thanks to those that reached out - I didn't answer with personal replies, and for that I deeply apologize. I thought the least I could do was come out here and let you all know I'm struggling with trying to hold the pieces of me together. I keep coming undone.

Well, that's it. 


  1. My friend! Do not apologize. I've been through it myself and I can tell you that it does get easier. I have not been able to contribute much lately but I like to take a few moments here and there to support those that have been so kind to me. Keep your head up!

  2. It was a challenging subject, and a challenging time for you. Having friends around you and talking is important. I found talking helped enormously. Sending positive thoughts from across the pond x

  3. Those were lovely posts but clearly difficult for you. So much of your heart was there, and it touched me deeply. I still think about what you wrote. Sending hugs for healing.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.