Saturday, October 08, 2016

Rainy day chore - housecleaning my blog.

The rain is making puddles deep enough for cars to disappear in. It is warm in my home, for this I am grateful. I can't imagine braving the streets today on any level.

Yesterday I posted, after a few months absence. I miss blogging if you really want to know.

Since my car accident, back on Feb 4th, I've shied away from time at my computer, well, unnecessary time that is, which sadly is what blogging is for me at present. I do have to sit and do some business related work on my computer, that's the extent of how uncooperative my neck and shoulders are.

A few weeks ago I started with a Chiropractor - amazing.

He did stress I was to stay away from anything that required me to lower my head (chin to chest stuff) and that is exactly what working on a computer encompasses.

I created a standing work station which has been great, but I fatigue very quickly and as such get discouraged and then resign myself to not even bothering. Hence my absence here.

Blogging seems to have changed - how do I know this?

Well, I took a trip over to the "Manage Blogs I'm Following" page and saw I was following 257 blogs.

I now follow 73.

Yes... that's right 73.

Sad state of affairs because virtually all I deleted were inactive. Meaning no new posts in the last 2-3 years. I figured if a blog did not have a new post in over two years it was time to say goodbye to it.

I was stunned by the number that were outright shut down. A sign of the direction blogging is taking I thought.

And yet...

There is something about letting fingers fly over the keyboard (thank goodness for backspace) and sharing a little of one's world with others.

Whatever that something is we do like sharing, don't we?

We also like knowing we are visited and read (from time to time), that makes the whole experience all the more special.

I am satisfied with my housecleaning. Yet I wonder where those inactive bloggers have gone to, what they are up to, and if life is treating them well. My simple wish is that it is. This little wish accompanied every tap of the button which would forever remove those blogs from my list.

Sort of sad, eh.

But, life drifts on, regardless.

Hmm, that was my sentiment yesterday and it still hangs in the air today.

I realize life really moves at its own sweet pace. For some that means staying the course (blogging with some regularity), for others it means veering left (or right) and finding a new path.

To all the bloggers remaining on my List, thanks for blogging, for visiting, for adding a little something extra as I make my way through life - you are a part of the path I am presently on.

Now tell me...

Have you done any blog housecleaning of your own?